Lawn Care Tips for Collegeville Homeowners


Enjoy a Thicker, Greener Lawn This Spring

Your lawn is the largest element of your landscape and a major contributor to the curb appeal of your home.  As spring comes to Collegeville and surrounding areas, coming home to a beautiful lawn is rewarding after a long day at work

Aerate in the Spring and Again in the Fall. 

This simple procedure is the best thing you can do for your turf.  The benefits include: an increase in air, water, and nutrients to the roots; relief of soil compaction; improvement of drainage; creation of a better environment for overseeding, and an increase in effectiveness of fertilizers and other lawn care products.

Apply the Right Amount of Fertilizer at the Proper Time

Our turf management professionals at Whitehouse Landscaping are trained and experienced in delivering top notch lawn care from the roots up.  We’re members of PLANET (Professional Landcare Network) for years and the training program that accompanies our certifications guarantees a level of knowledge and professionalism.

Overseed Damaged Areas to Prevent Weeds from Taking Hold

For quick touch-ups in high traffic areas like footpaths or driveway edges, break up the surface with a rake and apply seed to the soil and rake it in.  Tamp the area down and remember to water.

Check Your Mower Blades – Sharp Blades Are Vital for the Health of Turf

Set the blade at the highest setting on the mower.

Water Less Frequently but Get the Moisture Deep Down into Soil

Water is your lawn’s best friend or worst enemy.  Overwatering causes more problems than it solves.  Deep thorough watering is preferable to repeated shallow watering that never even reaches the root zone.  The best time to water is in the early morning as it allows the grass to dry quickly and less water is lost to evaporation.

A great lawn doesn’t have to be a lot of work if you let a professional pay attention to the needs of your grass.  While your lawn is preparing to wake up this spring, contact Whitehouse Landscaping at 484-300-4290 for a free estimate on our lawn care program and how it will work for you.