Never Underestimate the Power of Nature and a Great View!

Chester Springs flagstone patio and firepit

Improving your home’s view is a ‘healthy’ investment.

Health Benefits

Research suggests that exposure and views of nature have therapeutic benefits.  University of Illinois researcher Frances ‘Ming’ Kuo, did a study for the National Recreation and Park Assoc and concluded that green environments cut the time it takes to recover from surgery, improve the way the immune systems works and help diabetics achieve healthier blood glucose levels.  “Much like eating greens provides essential nutrients, so does seeing and being around green,” Kuo claims.

Psychology professors Stephen and Rachel Kaplan at the University of Michigan also did a similar study that shows how environments can have restorative properties.  Our mental energy and intellectual capacity is refueled by looking at nature.  Even viewing pictures of nature can help improve memory and attention!

Professor Ulrich, a leading expert in the benefits of natural green space, says that our natural surroundings dramatically reduce stress levels and tension.  In addition, overall positive feelings are increased.    What family wouldn’t benefit from all of these health benefits?

Homeowner’s Point-of-View

Some homeowners pay hefty prices for drop dead views.  But the average family can’t pay a premium for an ocean or mountain top view.  But what they can do is create an environment in their yard where they can relax and restore their energy by the use of trees, flowers, shrubs, water or fire.

The health and social benefits of well designed landscaping are numerous not to mention the economics that good landscaping can increase the resale value of a property by as much as 14%.

Hiring a professional landscaper is money well spent.  If you’re thinking about increasing the value of your property and enjoying the therapeutic benefits of a well landscaped yard, call Whitehouse Landscaping at 484-300-4290 for a consultation.   We understand the power of nature and can work with you on improving your view.